Finbow around the world – This is how we provide Genuine BowHow to our global spreader roll customers

Finbow’s role is not limited to just designing, manufacturing and supplying premium spreader rolls to customer sites. What else do we do here at Finbow?

Training helps ensure efficient operation and extended uptime

Finbow’s role extends beyond merely designing, manufacturing, and supplying premium spreader rolls to customer sites. Our work is all about providing Genuine BowHow for our customers and partners worldwide. Finbow’s services include troubleshooting, consulting, and user and operation training for maintenance crews and operators so that their machinery can be operated efficiently at full speed.

The goal of our trainings is to enable more running meters for the roll and extend maintenance intervals by as much as several years through patented Finbow solutions. Lifting and handling are always discussed in our training as well.

The spreader roll position audit helps boost performance

Finbow’s mission is to make your pulp and paper production more efficient. Applying our systematic approach and experience to your process ensures that rolls last longer and match increased production speeds.

Our specialists often visit customer mills to perform spreader roll position audits and provide insight on how to boost performance. We can assess whether the customer’s rolls are operating correctly, is their overall design best-suited for the position, and what kind of spool coatings and grooving patterns would be the most appropriate.

Getting more out of your rolls

We are always keen to discuss the latest technologies and new solutions in web spreading. We can also help with preventing unwanted roll-related paper machine shutdowns by analyzing the roll’s performance in its actual operating environment.

A spreader roll overhaul or modernization is a cost-efficient way to upgrade your existing rolls and prolong their lifespan. The Serviced by Finbow process can increase service intervals and reduce overall repair costs.

Are you interested in hearing more about our services and solutions? Would you like us to visit your mill to see if your spreader rolls could be performing better? Don’t hesitate to contact us or our global sales partners!